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What is coaching?

Here you get a slightly more detailed description of what you can expect and how you can get the most and the best out of your coaching time. 


Many times a coach can seem illogical. 

  • Coaches don't talk they listen.

  • Coaches don't give information, they ask questions. 

  • Coaches do not give different ideas, they elicit ideas from the client.

  • Coaches don't share their story, they follow the client's experience.

  • Coaches do not propose solutions, they develop the client's thinking.

  • Coaches do not give recommendations, they support the client's own decisions.

Right here in these statements you will find the essence of a coach's role to share his knowledge habit and skill to highlight your strengths and abilities. 

Office Meeting

Coaching is a partnership with clients in an awareness and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. 

ICF`s (International Coaching Federation) definition of coaching

Your coaching relationship with a coach is expected to provide new insights, greater personal awareness, changed behaviors and provide far-reaching results from the various goals and practical short and long action plans you implement. For example, a lot of you are expected to: evaluate, consider, imagine, decide and implement your new insights.  


Coaching is simply about you - your goals, your lessons and your growth.

Coaching is about learning rather than teaching. You are the expert on your own life. Your coach uses various coaching techniques such as active listening, open-ended questions, encouragement, challenging some, but will be your support along the way. All to assist you in your discoveries and insights as you take your new steps forward.


Coaching is about action, your actions and progress

At each coach opportunity, you will choose 1-3 steps that you want to complete for the next coach opportunity (usually 2 weeks later). You will be amazed at how quickly you make progress towards your goals with a little help.  


As we said: coaching is all about you - not just about your work and your progress.

We all know that patterns of action and ways of thinking are difficult to change. Your coach has learned to recognize these patterns and will be your support in your change process and growth.

"Through dialogue help another human being to find their own solutions"
What coaching is not.
Office Conversation

It is not therapy even if many parts of the communication, the techniques are the same, for example active listening, reflecting, the use of questions, limiting advice etc.


Therapy focuses on what happened earlier in life to find healing and unlock a person's inner self in order to move forward. Coaching is future and action focused, for people who are largely done with larger psychological and emotional issues,


Nor is it mentorship. Mentors are experts in a field and want to transfer their knowledge to another person. Mentors impart knowledge, advice, guidance, reproof and encouragement to people who are new to a field. 

Nor is coaching training. In training, the trainer sets the agenda without the participation of the participant. The change comes from the outside via the coach. In coaching, you set the agenda. Coaches use adult learning, which involves self-discovery, to motivate change from within. It is not authoritarian but the responsibility to decide and act is yours.

Data Reviewing

Coaching works because it brings out the best in every person! Coaches believe that you have your own answer to your questions. The coach is trained to support and provide support in that process.


This is what your coach will do during the coach conversation.

  • It is your story that is central. The coach will focus entirely on what you say.

  • Asking questions. Coaches use questions to stimulate your thinking and your creativity. The questions are about opportunities and the future.

  • Encourage. Everyone needs encouragement and many times because we get too little encouragement. Your coach will sustain your vision, your success and your efforts.

  • To back up when you lead. Coach  backs up your learning and problem solving.

  • Att lösa på en relationell fråga

  • Att göra en större omställning i livet.

  • Inför ett byte av karriär.

  • För att kunna hantera osäkerhet.

  • Att utveckla en relation.

  • Att finna lösningar i familjefrågor

  • För att göra bättre beslut.

  • Att växa i sin ledarroll.

  • Att finna svar på jobbrelaterade frågor.

  • Kunna sätta nya bättre mål.

  • Att nå målen snabbare.

  • Att växa andligt.

  • Att gå framåt personligt.

  • Att få vara med att förändra världen

  • Att förenkla sitt liv

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