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Jonas Ekstrand

Agile & Professional Coach
(ICF-Associate Certified Coach,ACC) Inspirativ AB

I have had the honor of being coached by Peter in the spring of 2023.


Peter has a warm, committed and authentic presence that makes it easy to feel safe and respected.


Through his ability to focus on strengths and an unwavering belief that everything is possible, he has made it easy to both put into words old thoughts but also to find new perspectives.

Thanks Peter!

Inventive engineer

CamatecIndustriteknik AB Karlstad

Eric Smederöd

"A creative environment is best preserved when the people in the group are driven by their own machine. .I'm happy to be there to deliver the fuel"

Our coaching sessions helped me identify my type of leadership. 

Peter asked a type of questions that gave me my own discoveries, Now I handle it myself .

Lisa Hofverberg.       Deacon


Hammarby parish

Telephone: 08-555 168 26
SMS: 070-209 06 83

Lisa Hofverberg

Peter is a warm, social and engaged person who is interested in talking to and supporting people.

His worked as an integration coach included supportive conversations and coaching with unaccompanied youth and new arrivals. Some focus areas were supportive conversations around studies, labor market issues, being included in society and psychosocial.  


Peter has laid out a good plan around coaching, for example job preparation, what steps to take to find housing, entering the community in different ways and supportive conversations.

Peter has attended training in Motivational Conversation, about trauma-aware care  and received guidance and coaching from St Lukas.

Peter is a valued colleague and was appreciated by many at the language café and in individual meetings and conversations, and I can warmly recommend Peter.   

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